
Yog and Pranayam for Immune System

Yog and Pranayam for Immune System

Immune system is one of the most important germ fighters that play a significant role in keeping you fit, healthy, and wealthy.

Immune system
Immune system is one of the complex networks of cells and proteins which defend our body against several infections. It keeps the record of each and every germ and so it recognise and further destroy the germs, viruses, and microbe quickly when they enters the human body again.

Yoga and Pranayam to Improve Immune System
Breathing is known as the best Pranayam to improve immune system. Doing Pranayam and yoga on a regular basis reduces stress levels and thus fight against anxiety to further boost the human immune system. By doing regular Pranayam, you can also control your breathing that helps to improve our nervous system. Moreover, it provides more oxygen in blood and reduces the anxiety level. Consequently, the human body rebalance and restore immune system.

5 main Pranayam to boost the immune system

  1. Bhramari Pranayama
  2. Kapalbhati Pranayama
  3. Anuloma Viloma Pranayama
  4. Bhastrika Pranayama
  5. Udgeeth Pranayama

Yoga Asanas to boost the immune system

  1. Tadasana
  2. Urdhva Tadasana
  3. Vrikshasana
  4. Santulanasana
  5. Padangustasana
  6. Surya Namaskara
  7. Matsyasana
  8. Setu Bandhasana
  9. Halasana
  10. Sarvangasana
  11. Trikonasana
  12. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
  13. Adho Mukha Svanasana


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